Con las adorables damas dando la bienvenida.
Nuestro último día en Seúl lo pasamos en la Iglesia Pyongyang Cheil (Paz Primero). El domingo en la iglesia estuvo muy lleno de actividad. Hay 4 servicios de adoración. Fuimos recogidos y llegamos a la iglesia a tiempo para el segundo servicio. El coro y el santuario eran muy grandes. Después de ese servicio, nos llevaron a uno de los restaurantes de la iglesia para almorzar. Tuvimos el honor de almorzar con el pastor principal.

The choir sang “Shalom Chavarim”
We then made our way back to the main sanctuary for the third service at which Baruch spoke. there were several thousand people there. He taught on John 20:1-9, “Signs in the Tomb.”

Baruch sharing at the third service.
After the service, Baruch was interviewed by a writer for a magazine. They were very professional and had some great questions.

We were so blessed by many of the people there. A servant attitude is stressed and certainly everyone dealing with us exemplified this gift. We were provided with lovely meals, rides back and forth for every event, escorts to all locations and conversation which was uplifting and encouraging of one another.